Friday 28 November 2008


During the production of my short film I used a number of different programmes and equipment that I had never used before. The first of these being the DV cameras, which once I worked out the basics I found relatively easy to work. The other new programme I used was adobe premier pro, I encountered a few difficulties whilst using this the first being that some of the things we filmed were extremely short and cutting the pieces was difficult and time consuming.

Overall I found continuity editing to be relatively easy as I filmed everything in sequential order, so that when it came to actually editing it there wasn’t much to do other than just tidy it up and give it a few finishing touches. I think that the final product has come out extremely well and there are A lot of things that I feel work well within in it, one of these the sound being timed perfectly with the film. However as with all pieces of work I think that this could be improved on slightly, there is a handheld shot from the mans point of view which was cut a little short of where it should be. And we also shot a lot of it without using the tripod, making it look very unprofessional, I think if the film was to have these few things improved it will become a very professional piece of work.

If I was to reproduce another short film I would try and use a tripod more, to stop the camera from moving and shaking. To give the work a look of quality. I would also shoot everything more than just the one time so I had more choice when editing it all together. But overall I am very pleased with my first short film and feel that I have produced a quality piece.