Thursday 11 December 2008

Friday 28 November 2008


During the production of my short film I used a number of different programmes and equipment that I had never used before. The first of these being the DV cameras, which once I worked out the basics I found relatively easy to work. The other new programme I used was adobe premier pro, I encountered a few difficulties whilst using this the first being that some of the things we filmed were extremely short and cutting the pieces was difficult and time consuming.

Overall I found continuity editing to be relatively easy as I filmed everything in sequential order, so that when it came to actually editing it there wasn’t much to do other than just tidy it up and give it a few finishing touches. I think that the final product has come out extremely well and there are A lot of things that I feel work well within in it, one of these the sound being timed perfectly with the film. However as with all pieces of work I think that this could be improved on slightly, there is a handheld shot from the mans point of view which was cut a little short of where it should be. And we also shot a lot of it without using the tripod, making it look very unprofessional, I think if the film was to have these few things improved it will become a very professional piece of work.

If I was to reproduce another short film I would try and use a tripod more, to stop the camera from moving and shaking. To give the work a look of quality. I would also shoot everything more than just the one time so I had more choice when editing it all together. But overall I am very pleased with my first short film and feel that I have produced a quality piece.

Friday 17 October 2008

perliminary task 2: VIDEO PRODUCTION

180° RULE:

the 180° rule is a type of film editing where that the two characters in the scene should always keep the same left and right positioning. if the camera passes over the imaginary line connecting the two subjects it is called crossing the line, and the new shot from the other side is known as the reverse angle

to the left is a diagram of the 180° rule. the vertical line passing through the two subjects is the crossing line, if the two cameras were to pass over this line into the left hand side of the frame they would then be on the reverse angle.

the cameras can be at aimed any angle towards the subjects aslong as they dont cross the crossing line in order for the scene to make sense. if you wanted to shoot from the other side of the crossing line you would have to show the camera passing this line.


A match on action is when some action occurring before the temporally questionable cut is picked up where the cut left it by the shot immediately following. For example, a shot of someone tossing a ball can be edited to show two different views, while maintaining temporal continuity by being sure that the second shot shows the arm of the subject in the same stage of its motion as it was left when cutting from the first shot.

this is a good example of this

Thursday 16 October 2008




The target audience of my student magazine students, the audience profile for students is that they will most likely be a suceder, aspirer or achiever or a combination of these. in that they are driven, ambitious succesful, wants to better themselves and someone who wants and does do well.they will be post materialists in that they want 'to be something later' according to the jicnars scale my readers will rate around a A/B/C1. they will be aged between 16-19 and be male or female. according to the lifestage catogories they will come under either decision pending, in that they have no dea what they want to do with there life, or have career comitment, in that they know what they want to do and are going to go out of there way to do it. To some all of this up I would say:

"its for students who are unsure about life, where they want to go and what they want to do, but still aspire to the greater things in life, they are confident in what they do and enjoy doing it, they just dont know how to apply this to there future"

to ensure that I managed to adress my target audience I used a number of different techniques that I thought would appeal to the them. These being that I used a new fresh style of design to appeal to the desired audience. I kept the magazine colourful and bright to catch the readers eye. I also used big bold sans serif fonts to help the design look new an modern to make it appeal to the younger generation. I also used a young style of language that the readers would understand and be able to relate to.

I asked a few of my fellow students what they thought of my magazine and wether they thought it would appeal to them. And all the feedback I got was positive and a lot of the people I asked said that they would infact buy the magazine if it was available to them. So overall I think I managed to communicate to my target audience effectively by completing all of the above effectivly.

In comparrison to other student magazines that I have looked at my magazine seems to fit in with all of the norms that are used. These being:
*new fresh style of design to appeal to the desired audience.
*colourful and bright to catch the readers eye.
*big bold sans serif fonts used to help the design looking new and appeal to the younger generation.
*young style of language used.

The only norm that my magazine didn’t seem to fit into was that a lot of other magazines tend to use fashion/action photography which I didn’t use in mine. However I still feel that the images I used work affectively and appeal to my target audience.

If my magazine was real It would most likely be low budget or even free as it is aimed at students who wouldn’t have a lot of spair money to spend on it. I believe that it would be distributed within colleges around the country, this way all students can gain access to it easily. The magazine itself I don’t feel would be able to interest a major publisher despite the number of students that would be interested in it. However I don’t think that raising money to run the magazine would be a problem as I think that the magazine would be a very effective way at advertising products and services to students, and it is this advertising I beleive that will cover the costs of the magazine.

During my development of the magazine I used a number of different softwares and equipment some of which was new to me. The main problems I encounterd came with Quark express as I had never used this programe before and getting it to do what I wanted to do was some what of a problem. However this wasn’t to hard to overcome as after a little bit of practice and just by messing around with the different functions available I managed to work out how to do the things I wanted.

Overall I think my magazine works well, but there are still a few things that I would do differently. These being that my magazine did lack the fashion and action photography that the other student magazines had. And I think that it would benefit from this. The masthead has also become de-pixilated slightly which I think would need to be solved if I re-done the cover.

Friday 19 September 2008


Student Magazine Audience Profile.

the ideal reader of my student magazine will most likely be a suceder, aspirer or achiever or a combination of these. in that they are driven, ambitious succesful, wants to better themselves and someopne who wants and does do well.
the will be post materialists in that they want 'to be something later'
according to the jicnars scale my readers will rate around a C1/D as they are students and more than likely wont have a job or if they do it will be a lower end one.
they will be aged between 16-19 and be male or female.
according to the lifestage catogories they will come under either decision pending, in that they have no dea what they want to do with there life, or have career comitment, in that they know what they want to do and are going to go out of there way to do it.

i would define the readers of my magazine as:

  • youre fussy about the clothes you wear
  • you came to college not knowing what they want to do with there life
  • not knowing where there going to be in 10 years

"its for students who are unsure about life, where they want to go and what they want to do, but still aspire to the greater things in life, they are confident in what they do and enjoy doing it, they just dont know how to apply this to there future"

Thursday 11 September 2008

student magazine research




*new fresh style of design to appeal to the desired audience.
*colourful and bright to catch the readers eye.
*big bold sans serif fonts used to help the design looking new and appeal to the younger generation.
*fashion/action photography is used to help give a youthful appearance, and to catch the readers eye.
*written by students for students.
*young style of language used.

Thursday 4 September 2008


dazed and cofused

because i like photog!