Monday 26 January 2009

music magazines: summary of research

After completing initial research into music magazines I have now decided the sub-genre of the music magazine I am going to do, this is a "guitar tuition" magazine. There are a large number of magazines that are in this sub-genre, of which my magazine will be similar to. These are such titles as total guitar, guitar techniques and guitarist.

Looking at other similar magazines has helped me to find the right target audience for my magazine. There demographic will be that they are most likely male. According to the jicnars scale they will most likely be b1 or c1 so slightly upper class. There psychographic will most likely be aspirers (somebody who wants to better themselves.) and there age range will be between 16-26.

This audience will affect my magazine a lot, specifically because the age range is so wide, this is due to the fact that the magazine is aimed at people learning to play the guitar, and there is no specific age for this as it can be done anytime. The content of the magazine will all be based around guitar playing bands from the past and present, as well as beginner through to expert lessons, this will encourage people of all ages and levels of ability to buy the magazine.
With regards to the actual layout and style of the magazine I aim to produce a very modern spin on existing magazines but still keeping that raw and rough look that comes along with playing the guitar.
I aim to use colloquial, non Standard English (slang) language to help my audience to be able to relate to the magazine.
For the representations in the magazine I plan on using band members or the "cool" older brother type figure within my magazine, to help promote the idea that if you play guitar and learnt certain songs you will be in a band or that "cool" older guy. I plan on using a number of different close up and medium close up shots, maybe at canted angles all to generate the idea of being cool, different and individual. The location for these shoots are going to take place in a number of different areas, this is within the studio, abandoned places covered in graffiti and at gigs.
This is all to help generate the idea that this cool individual living is what is associated with guitar playing.

1 comment:

lars said...

Proficient research into audience and how this will impact upon chosen text. Hoever, you have not provided any evidence of planning or organisation.