Friday 19 September 2008


Student Magazine Audience Profile.

the ideal reader of my student magazine will most likely be a suceder, aspirer or achiever or a combination of these. in that they are driven, ambitious succesful, wants to better themselves and someopne who wants and does do well.
the will be post materialists in that they want 'to be something later'
according to the jicnars scale my readers will rate around a C1/D as they are students and more than likely wont have a job or if they do it will be a lower end one.
they will be aged between 16-19 and be male or female.
according to the lifestage catogories they will come under either decision pending, in that they have no dea what they want to do with there life, or have career comitment, in that they know what they want to do and are going to go out of there way to do it.

i would define the readers of my magazine as:

  • youre fussy about the clothes you wear
  • you came to college not knowing what they want to do with there life
  • not knowing where there going to be in 10 years

"its for students who are unsure about life, where they want to go and what they want to do, but still aspire to the greater things in life, they are confident in what they do and enjoy doing it, they just dont know how to apply this to there future"

1 comment:

Kate W said...

This is a detailed audience profile which will really help you to construct a magazine which targets a specific audience effectively - well done.
However, students tend to come from a higher social scale (in terms of background): A,B and C1.