Tuesday 17 March 2009

music magazine: logistical arrangements

over half term i plan on taking the photographs that i need for the coursework. the equipment needed for this is stated below:
*DSLR Camera
*photography studio

props needed:

all the equipment above i have readily available to me other than the studio, so in order to take the photos i need to arrange a time both the studio and models are available. to do this i have got a list of when the studio is free and im going to get the models to say when they can make it, and if needs be i will take the shoots over a number of different times.

i have recently completed the photoshoots that i have said that i wanted to complete above. so far i think that they have all gone well, however they did take longer than i anticipated and there was one shoot that didnt quite go to plan, and the final image is not how i wanted it, this was the shoot for the cover so i need to go out and re-do it. i think this time i will use different lighting within the studios as the images were to dark, hence the re-shoot.apart from this i think i have got a few good images that i will be able to use within the spreads.

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