Tuesday 17 March 2009

music magazine: shot list

there are a number of shots that i would like to get for this project, i want to take a few different shoots so that i am not stuck using the same images over and over.

for the front cover i would like to take a medium close-up of one of my friends holding a guitar. this is to create the idea of the model being the frontman from a famous band. this idea i have taken from the total guitar cover.
the shot itself i will take in the studio at college givung the photograph a plain background, and i will then be able to take the image and edit it in a number of diferent ways to achieve the look i want, and by keeping the background plain the image wont look to over crouded on the cover.

for the contents i plan on using a simmilar image to the one from the cover, this way i can link the contents to the cover. i will also use a number of other images, a selection of these i am going to take of people playing instruments in the streets (buskers) so i can link this to an article. i am also going to take some more of friends in the studio and make them look like a band photoshoot. these images will also link in with my centre spread article and be the main images for that helping all three pages to link in.

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