Tuesday 21 April 2009

what have you learnt about technologies from the proccess of constructing this product?

Production (hardware skills)

When i had formed my idea for my final piece the first thing i did was to take the photos to use for the magazine cover and spread. I used a dslr camera for this and all of the images were taken within a photography studio. The camera used was my own so i already knew how to use it, however the studio within the college has recently gone through a refurb and was boasting a variety of different backgrounds, lights and various other equipment that i had never used before. I needed to become fammiliar with these new editions to the studio quickly and aptly to achieve good photographs. After a few test shoots i found a setup i was happy with and discovered how seperate lighting creates different moods within a picture. For my main cover photo the lighting is quite dark as i wanted to achieve a fairly serious mood and i wanted the features on the face to be more obscure than usual, then there is an element of mystery and the model looks more like a rocker.

In the picture of the girl i aimed to soften the lighting but not make it so bright that her facial features cannot be vividly seen.

I felt the use of lighting really helped me photos as they create the mood that goes with them. The lighting is also whats responsible for highlighting the props and features within a picutre so without the use of lighting nothing would prominently stand out.

Post production (software skills)

The next thing that i used was photoshop, this was to edit my images, although i had used photoshop before it had only been for very basic things nd my knowlegde wasn't up to an adequate standard i felt for these photos.However after a lesson from my teacher on how to polish the photos to a professional standard i got to work on my own, this proved to be very time consuming aswell as frustrating but after a number of attempts i finally masterd the technique to a standard i was happy with. This was a very accomplished feeling and gave me enthusiasm to make more effort with each photo.

Finally i was to piece together my magazine using quark express. This proved to be very frustrating as i have only used it once before and that was on the prelimnary task so getting it to do what i wanted was difficult. The main problem i encountered was getting the text where i wanted it as i had yet to discover how to do it properly. However after a few more lessons when i had gathered research on how to successfully work this programme it became easier and i finally was able to achieve the look i wanted.

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