Tuesday 21 April 2009

what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

After researching publishers and what they do, aswell as the publishers of similar magazines i believe that my product will fit in within the media world and has the potential to be owned by a major publisher. Whilst i was researching a large majority of similar magazines were all owned by future plc, this suggests that they have a basic interest within this area, however more research into future has lead me to find that they are owned by Pearson plc, another horizontally integrated media conglomerate who own such publishers as penguin. Which leads us to the question of whether it is actually about peoples interests or whether it is all about profit, and the evidence shows that it is more aimed at making profit than anything else. so it is this company or one of simmilar value that i think will distribute my magazine.

Future plc is owned by a major media conglomerate so their main interest is going to be income, given the type of magazine this is i feel that there is alot of potential to make money through advertisement, making it even more appealable to publishers. The speciality of this magazine is learning a new talent and educating people on different aspects of the guitar as well as being informative about popular bands. There is a large market for this kind of topic at the moment as the guitar is appealing to people of all ages. I think this is why people especially publishers and those working in the advertising industry will be interested in my product. There is a lot you can do to promote this magazine and to help it sell better it could even be suggested that you get something free with it. There are many different ideas that can be branched off my central focus of producing a magazine for guitarists and wannabe guitarists.

Although i have only designed a magazine there is potential for the idea to be put in place elsewhere for example you could create a website turn it into an ebook or even create merchandise, each of these coming with there own benefits all of which are financial. This variation of merchandise also makes the product more appealing to a wider range of people, for example children or those not keen on reading will appreciate the ebooks. This means perhaps people will start learning about the guitar from a younger age and therefore become more advanced quicker in their life. Website are something universal and easily accessible, it is also a lot less effort to type in a web address than it is to go out and buy a magazine. Therefore this could also be a good idea for my magazine to transform into in the future.

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