Tuesday 21 April 2009

who would be the audience for your media product? how did you attract/address your audience?

The target audience of a music magazine is people with a special interest in this case wanting to learn to play the guitar, the audience profile for the consumers are that they will most likely be a succeeded, aspirer or achiever or a combination of these. This means that they are driven, ambitious successful, and want to better themselves. They will be post materialists in that they want 'to be something later' because of the nature of special interest groups they can rate anywhere within the jicnars scale. Special interest groups are a demographic no matter what the audience’s age. According to the life stage categories they will come under either decision pending, in that they have no idea what they want to do with there life, or have career commitment, in that they know what they want to do and are going to go out of there way to do it. To sum all of this up I would say:

"its for anyone who wants to better themselves, they know where they want to go and what they want to do, but still aspire to the greater things in life, they are confident in what they do and enjoy doing it."

Once i had established my audience and created the magazine i then went out and tracked down my target audience armed with a questionaire, copies of the magazine and a camcorder, to see how effective my final piece was. below is a copy of this questionaire.

comments back from the questionaires include things like " i really liked the way it was easy to read and how key elements grabbed your attention."

when i asked a girl what she liked about the magazine she said she "enjoyed reading the article about Kelly T" this is unsuprising as this was the double spread i graphically dedicated to the female proportion of the magazines audience. I then asked if the reason she enjoyed this aspect of the magazine was because of the genre that was used and she replied that it was as she herself is interested in music. This successfully proves that this genre of magazine appeals to both genders equally and that i have laid it out in a way which doesnt just interest one.

All people replied yes to the first question, which meant i had fulfilled my criteria of publishing a front page which grabbed the attention of the public and managed to quickly and aptly display what it was about.

When asked about whether the final piece was a believable result to be a genuine and authentic magazine people replied that it was. This was because of the added details i included such as the barcode and price. Another person said that they thought the font inparticular was reminiscent of a music magazine. However a few people thought that some of the photos didn't look that professional but i had limited resources.

Over half the people i asked question five replied that the bold fonts were particularly effective. I was hoping that the photos i took would've grabbed more peoples attention but i don't think that they were to a high enough standard.

Overall i think doing this questionnaire was very helpful to getting to understand what people liked about my magazine and where i went wrong. This way i can know what techniques to use and leave out next time if i try and achieve this again.

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